Friday, April 29, 2011

How I Gave Up Dairy Products

When I was a kid, I milk, cheese, and loved eating ice cream. These items over the years has become a source of trouble. Eating an ice cream cone just nauseous and would leave me in pain. After consulting with my doctor, I realized I was lactose intolerant, a condition that affects 30 to 50 million people in the U.S. I was devastated, thinking that I completely change your diet need.

After learning more about lactose intolerance, I felt relieved. Although I can now eat dairy products, there are options for appearance, flavor and texture of the finished products were copied. Also, I do the protein, did not abandon nutrients like calcium, and vitamins A and D include dairy-free options, but many of these nutrients will not provide the discomfort of their traditional counterparts.

Since that time, I lactose free milk, cheese, cheese, and ice covers, such as dairy alternatives. Ice cream category, there are chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavors in such traditional pints, butter pecan and cookies and cream as well as such are more exotic flavors. When hot summer days call for a special treat, I organic ice cream covered in chocolate pops to reach. Dairy free ice cream bars and peanut butter are excellent flavor is my favorite.

Something that I enjoy cooking your favorite foods and I have found that dairy-free recipes for replacement facilities. I enjoy the jalapeno poppers with sour cream and mushroom lasagna, and chicken fajitas, and may all your favorite stuffed baked desserts. Substitutions are simple and the different online can be a recipe did not include them.

To your local health food store dairy free products, including pizza and cheese blintzes, an additional world opened. Prior to being diagnosed as lactose intolerant, these two were one of my favorite foods. Now I pan crust, tomato sauce, with mozzarella cheese and dairy-free pizza parlor style can enjoy. By eating foods like this, my body is benefiting from their cholesterol-free aspect.

As I look back on your eating habits, I know that there has been little to no change. I still eat the same kinds of food, I just use dairy free products, the replacement is not. After experimenting with many recipes available, I have come up with their own versions. My plan is to compile these in a cookbook, dairy free lifestyle with delicious options to offer to others.